This is our girl Holly. She is beautiful and intelligent, and she is physically disabled. Which of these qualities will mark her out the most through her life I wonder? People who don't know her see only her disablility, and then they look again and see her smile, and then they look again and see her properly. Holly's Cerebral Palsy means she cannot use her body very well at all, but this does not mean she cannot see, feel or think. She cannot speak either, but this does not mean she cannot communicate or laugh or cry. I'd love to be able to write wise words about what it means for her, and us, for Holly to have CP and for us all to deal with it, but it's very hard to describe. To us she's just Holly and we all love her. Perhaps she deals with it best of all as as she just gets on with the business of being herself - same as we all do.
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