Monday, November 28, 2005


Did the "Abbey Dash" 10k road run yesterday which was interesting. I've never been in a timed road 'race' before and so with 4000 runners involved it was quite an experience. It ran on a 'there and back' course out to Kirkstall Abbey down the A65 from Leeds centre, finishing on the Headrow in front of the town hall. All pretty flat which was quite a novelty for me.
I decided to keep a steady lunch time run stylee pace and see how it went, so setting myself a benchmark 10k time for future reference. I finished maybe in 44 minutes (edit: actually 44:41) but it was difficult to be exact as we were electronically timed and it took me a while to get to the actual starting line in the crowds. I'll find out today when the results go up on the web site.
The weather had been threatening rain/snow and it was very cold so I'd brought hats, gloves and a waterproof just in case. Fortunately the precipitation held off and I was able to shed all me wollies for the run.
I guess I'd been expecting it to be really hard work but in hindsight I don't know why as 10k or 45 minutes running is something we'll regularly do 3 times a week of a lunchtime. Getting to the halfway mark turn in 20 minutes or thereabouts and feeling like I'd only just warmed up was a suprise.
I am thinking of doing an organised 10k/half marathon each month next year building up for the Salford, and I've just sent in my entry for the Baildon Boundary Way which is a local cross country half marathon taking place at the beginning of April. I did it this year for the first time and it proved to be a painful experience, me not being used to the rough terrain. Pretty fun though - a great route on familiar ground. Just over 2 hours wasn't too bad a time in the end. It wil be interesting to see what time I could do on a road half marathon.
Such things will keep me occupied in 2006 :-)

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