Thursday, December 28, 2006

Move Along

Happy New Year to all my readers (that’s about 5 of you then!)

Well, 2006 has been a bit of a strange one. However, I guess in many ways it was more straightforward than previous years as decisions were made and actions completed this time last year. Consequently I’ve been ‘on my own’ for the whole of the past 12 months. A Year! It was not exactly the long term battle plan to be marooned in a cheap rental place whilst forking out hand over fist for the other house, and also trying to do my best by the kids… But, hey ho, life is nothing if not unpredictable, eh?

Still, it’s been OK. Even if my Leeds social life has not taken off in the slightest I’m so glad of the opportunity to hook up again with the likes of Rachael (who has been a great friend), Rich Eatough and Sam. And I even got to see Bryan again! Scottie is next on the “catch up” list and hopefully we’ll remedy that in January. You never know I may even see Stef one of these days too... :-)

Other plusses from 2006:
- The kids seem to be dealing with the situation very well, and in many respects I’m dealing with them a lot better. The deal I made with myself was that when they are with me I am theirs and I am not allowed to be distracted. They come first, I concentrate on them 100%, and I’ve hopefully managed to stick to that particular rule. We’ve had some excellent weekends and hopefully next year I can organise some time ‘away’ with them: down south at least.
- The two cycle trips really were fabulous and there’s been some good weekends away for me. The 'free' time has been used wisely I reckon and I've not had many thumb twiddling bored weekend days.
- I’ve seen a few great concerts.
- My fitness seems to be at an all time high (as I have nothing else better to concentrate on!).
- It’s been rather lonely at times. But I have never been ‘down’ so to speak and still remain eternally optimistc.
- Money. Don’t speak to me about money.

2007. The plan:
As the All American Rejects so succinctly put it on their fine second album: “Move along“. I have events to do; bands to see; people to meet; places to go; finances to sort out.
I have to move house come February as (landlady) Fiona is selling up so that’s the first hurdle, and hopefully I can stay near where I am. Next door (it’s being done out to rent) would be ideal!
I want to enter a half Iron Man triathlon and see how that goes.
I’d like to do another bike trip and Spain is being discussed for May/June.
I should re-join the Leeds Mountaineering club and get out on their weekenders away.
Pack in drinking completely. (This may not happen - I'll likely just continue to drink minimally as I have been this year.)
See more live music.
Oh, and get some proper swim coaching from the tri club.

So, there you go. I supposed that is a New Year resolution or two. Good to get them down in black and white. Good to have aims. Move along.

Starting as I mean to go on as I am off to Edinburgh with Rachael and her mates for the Hogmanay at the weekend. It looks like a great (big) event. The weather forecast looks atrocious though so fingers crossed. I’ve never actually been to Edinburgh (as a grown up – see below) so it will be good to have a look around that city, as well as meet some new people and do the New Year in style.

I have been to Edinburgh. Once. On a train trip for the day from Liverpool with my dad, Uncle George and cousin Tim. I must have been in my teens I suppose. The only thing I can remember about the city is the castle being closed as the military tattoo was on, so we took a bus out to the Forth road bridge and walked across it to the middle. So my one great memory of my one and only previous Edinburgh trip is just how long it takes spit to get down to the river from the middle of the Forth road bridge. Who says us Liverpudlians aren’t cultured ...

1 comment:

Karma Police said...

Who? Me?

Happy new year.