Friday, February 03, 2006

Highlands and islands

I've just booked in to the youth hostel in Torridon round Spring Bank Holiday weekend in May. The plan is to drive up there and stop one night before heading off on a week long cycling trip north and then west, and then back to Torridon for Whit weekend before heading home. Sounds great - I've never been to Torridon and most of the places I intend to see, and these will be:
Ullapool and north of that - the circuit round round Suilven. Ferry across to Stornaway and then roll on down through Harris and maybe over to North Uist. Ferry over to Skye, across the island and then back up to Torridon via the Kyle. Hopefully I'll fit in the Applecross circuit at the end too.
I'm doing this all via youth hostels and it's mostly sensible mileage (only one long stint Torridon to Ullapool = 90 miles). It should still be too cold for the midges, and fingers crossed for the weather in general. But late May is a good time to go.
To be honest any time is a good time for being in the Scottish Highlands as it's wonderful.

EDIT: My good mate Rich is now on board for this trip, which is excellent news. He does seem a little over-interested in seeing stone circles, burial grounds and all that kind of funny old stuff en route. There's a lot of it about up there, mind.

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